その漁師たちは(難破船に)船を横づけし, 難破船上の人々にこちらの船に乗るよう身ぶりで示したの英語
- The fishermen pulled alongside and gestured to the people on the foundered ship to come on board.
難破船の船員: shipwrecked sailor
難破船: 難破船 なんぱせん shipwreck
~するよう身ぶりで示す: make motions to someone to〔人に〕
難破船を救助する: salvage a shipwreck
難破船を見つける: find a wreck
難破船を見捨てる: give up the wrecked ship
難破船を調査する: explore a shipwreck
難破船 1: 1. condemned vessel 2. doomed vessel 3. lost ship 4. ship in distress 5. shipwreck 6. shipwrecked vessel 7. sunken ship 8. wreckage 9. wrecked ship 難破船 2 【映画】 In Search of the Castaways〔米1963〕 難破
難破船を引き揚げる: salvage a wreck
沈んだ難破船: sunken wreck
難破船の捜索: search of the wreck
難破船の救助: salvation of a ship in distress
難破船の肋材: ribs of a wrecked ship
難破船略奪者: wrecker
難破船荒らし: wrecker